Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 45- June 23, 2014 - Pomona, California

Dear home,

This week we had some pretty cool things happen. We started off with two exchanges back to back.
On the first one, I stayed with a missionary who is a few months younger than me. We had a pretty fun day. 

Something cool that happened was when we were looking for someone we had set up an appointment with. They lived in the back, but weren't there. We decided to knock on the front neighbors door and before we could really explain who we were, the lady let us right in and told us to teach her kid. So that's what we did! He turned out to be a pretty cool 17 year old guy who is going through a rough spot at the moment due to his brother being deported to Mexico. We also taught her cousin who was there and she was really cool. It's not every day that we get let into a house just like that and get to teach some cool people! We talked to the mom a different day, one on one, and she told us that she is really trying to help her son gain faith in God and be happy again. So it made a little more sense of why she let us in without hesitation. We are pretty excited to continue to help them, though.

The second exchange, I went to Azusa, which is right by Arcadia. It felt like I wasn't too far from home. I ate at Wendy's for the first time in a very long time! But anyways, we had a pretty good day. The missionary I was with has a bit of a dominating personality, but it was pretty fun and we found a lot in common. He came out with me and will be leaving with me as well.

We had something really cool happen later in the week as well. About a week and a half ago, we were walking from a recent converts house, and this little chubby kid came out of his house and waved at us saying
hi. We told him we would come back in a few days, but kinda forgot about it in those days. Again, we walked from the recent convert's house and the same kid came out, waving us down. We decided to go and talk to him a bit more this time. As we talked with him, his mom came out and talked with us as well. 

It turned out, that one of her good friends is an investigator in the same ward, but the area next to us. We set up an appointment to come by and teach her individually. We walked up for the appointment to initially tell them we were going to get a man (the recent convert down the street) and before we even got to the door, the little kid opened the door telling us to come in haha. So we ran over to Omar's house (recent convert) only to see him just woken up and not really wanting to go... After some pushing and pulling, he got dressed and came with us a bit hesitantly. 

But the lesson turned out awesome. Jeannette (the lady) shared her testimony of how she knows God is there for her and the spirit was super strong. She has a bit of a problem with the word of wisdom and I think she has suffered a lot from those addictions, but she has a lot of desire to change and be better. I think the best was, when she said that she got baptized in a Christian church, but didn't change. But now she wants to. The spirit was so awesome she started crying. 

After the lesson, Omar said he was glad he ended up coming with us, and he felt bad that he was being hesitant about it haha. It all pays off in. The end. Thanks for everything! I still haven't gotten the package, I will probably get it tomorrow when I go to the office.

Love you!,

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